Reviews From Happy Coaching Clients
Want to know what it’s like to work with me? Find out, from some of my amazing past and current clients and students, all of whom are thriving and successful female health and wellness pros.
As a brand new business owner, I have found the support, knowledge and community created by Christa to be valuable beyond measure! I have been able to connect with women around the country who have great ideas, honest feedback, and are the greatest inspiration to me. I highly recommend this program!

It’s been inspiring to work with Christa who models what I would want for the future of my business, empowering to interact with other women entrepreneurs, and a little overwhelming to realize how much more I could be doing as a business owner.
"Knowledge is something of substantial value you can offer to others. You have an incredible amount of knowledge of the human body, the way it works, how it heals, and what it needs. But besides that knowledge, you have a vast amount of experience in your field as well as being a leader and successful business owner. You have so much to offer those who aspiring to become leaders and business owners themselves. You are always willing to share your experiences and knowledge to help others. You want to see people become the best version of themselves which is usually rare in such a competitive society.”

"First and foremost, I believe your strongest quality is the ability to make someone feel comfortable. You made me feel like I was in the best possible care. You would listen to what I was feeling, I trusted you, and felt you always had my best interest in mind. You give your patients the highest quality of care between your knowledge, your ability to connect with them, and the care and concern you show for your patients' health and recovery. Once you let someone in, it's like they become family."
"A "superpower' of yours- passion and drive. You are dedicated to being the best possible leader, business owner, mom, woman, mentor, and person that you can be. You are constantly striving to improve in any area you feel you need to. You look to give back to the community and empower others. You are always trying to find ways on how your business can grow and continue its success. You are a visionary that doesn't let bumps in the road keep you from reaching your goals."

"One thing that drew me to you is you are open and honest. I feel like some people come from a scarcity mentality and others are open to give away their tips and secrets to success and trust that there is always more. You are the latter. You as a person are kind. I always felt you had my back and wanted my success as much as I did. You exceeded the role of teacher and became a mentor."
"This program has given me a road map of where I should be in my business and how to navigate through any challenges that may arise. The material is well thought out and Christa is very organized in the delivery of it. I look forward to the rest of the course."
"Having been in business for a couple of years now, I realized that I needed more guidance. I was looking for a business coach and when I saw that Christa was offering her program, it was a no brainer. Living in the same city as Christa, I knew that her studios were successful and that she herself was a savvy business woman that I already had respect for. Although my business is going well and is approaching it's third year, I felt it was time to really examine what specifically is going well and how to make plans for the future. Christa's program has given me insight on what I should regularly be examining in my business, what is working and what is not, plus how to set goals, initiatives and most importantly how to execute them. Furthermore, Christa was very approachable for any questions and brainstorming as well as super transparent about her own business and what has worked and what hasn't. This program was convenient for me as I was able to fit the weekly Zoom meetings into my busy schedule and if I had to miss one, I was able to easily access the replays. Also, Christa offered additional FB live Q & A sessions which were very helpful. My only regret is that this program wasn't available before I had started my studio! I would have loved to have set the systems I learned from Christa in place from the get go."

Want to know more about what it’s like to work with me?
I know how it goes. You find someone to follow on Instagram, you love their content, but you’ve gotta be smart with where you put your money. Been there, got the T-shirt. That’s why I share a TON of free, super valuable advice on my podcast and via my email list. You can find the podcast on your favorite app, but you’ll need to join my email list here: