Female emPOWERED

A podcast for female fitness & wellness professionals like YOU

Female emPOWERED

A podcast for female fitness & wellness professionals like YOU

Episode 016: What You Can Learn From Your Competitors

Episode 016: What You Can Learn From Your Competitors

Welcome to another edition of Female emPOWERED! Today we’re talking all about your competitors and what you can learn from them to improve your business. Learning from the failures and successes of your competitors is a built-in boost for your company, saving you time, resources and money in the long run.


I’m sharing 5 ways that  you can improve your business by learning what your competitors are doing:

  1. How to find your competitors
  2. How your competitors can help you find new opportunities in the marketplace
  3. Looking at our competitors customer engagement
  4. Where to find what your target customers like and don’t like in a company
  5. How to differentiate from your competitors


If everyone spent less time focusing on what's wrong about what your competitors are doing  and instead focused on what's good with your own business our industry as a whole would be more successful. Use that as a way to differentiate yourself from them. Be strong, be brave and take action. 


Looking to book more of your best clients? To do that you have to know who they are and what they want! Use my proven framework to create your ideal customer avatar, so you can connect with your dream clients and stop worrying about when new clients will come in! Learn more and sign up for the workshop here


Links mentioned in this episode:

Why Knowing Your Ideal Customer Matters

Download Episode 16 Here