Female emPOWERED

A podcast for female fitness & wellness professionals like YOU

Female emPOWERED

A podcast for female fitness & wellness professionals like YOU

Episode 182: Scaling Your Small Business: Is It The Right Time to Hire a Director of Operations or Executive Assistant

Episode 182: Scaling Your Small Business: Is It The Right Time to Hire a Director of Operations or Executive Assistant

Hey guys! Welcome back to another episode of The Female Empowered Podcast. In this episode, we will be talking about how you can scale your small business and if it is the right time to hire a Director of Operations or an Executive Assistant.


Why This Episode Is Important  


The topic today is what the women in our Inner Circle program really work on after they surpassed the $200,000 mark. What they are looking to do is to remove themselves from the day-to-day operations.


So, a lot of times, we help them figure out what kinds of additional support do they need for their business so that they can free up some of their time and focus on scaling the business even more.


Let’s dive into:

  • Introduction to the topic
  • The different roles women need in their business
  • When is it time to consider bringing on additional members to your team
  • My own experience in adding additional members to the team
  • Differentiating if you need a Chief Operating Officer or an Executive Assistant
  • Why I am a big proponent for hiring a Chief Operating Officer or an Executive Assistant
  • The Chief Operating Officer – when you need one on
  • The rapid growth mode and severe lack of systems and structures
  • My experience in hiring my first COO
  • What the COO works on
  • The pay rate for a COO and hiring a fractional COO to save money
  • What is An Executive Assistant and a Virtual Assistant
  • Having an executive assistant helps you with time management,
  • The other things that an executive assistant can help you with
  • An executive assistant are more of task-oriented and are not working on the growth and strategy of your business
  • Benefits of having an executive assistant
  • My own experience in having an executive assistant
  • The 80-20 rule for business owners
  • Executive assistants are less strategic and more of executors
  • Chief Operating Officers are both strategic and executors
  • Questions you need to ask so you know who you really need in your business
  • Figuring out if your business has a structure to put people in the right seats
  • The pay rate basis for an Executive Assistant
  • Importance of hiring someone with the best price point, who is efficient, and who can give back your time
  • Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength and one of the smartest business decisions you can make


If you are interested in discussing a little bit more about this or this is something you are interested in learning, visit www.christagurka.com/ or DM me on Instagram.


Looking for advice and resources to help you market and grow your clinic or client based business? Visit my website or follow me on Instagram!


Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review for the show to help other female fitness and wellness professionals find our podcast! 


Interested in being a guest on a future Female Friday episode? Email me at [email protected]!

Download Episode 182 Here