Why Women Make Better Business Owners
Mar 13, 2024
5 Reasons Why Women Make Better Business Owners
Women have come a long way in the business world. It was just 50 years ago that women were given the legal right to open a bank account without a man’s signature! Despite prejudice, legal barriers, and less access to critical resources, we women have worked hard and built successful businesses in every industry.
It’s vital to recognize the challenges we have overcome. But it’s just as important to believe that we women deserve to be where we are. We have so many innate qualities and skills that make us exceptional entrepreneurs.
So in honor of Women’s History Month, let’s take a look at some of the strengths that make us successful business owners.
Strength #1: Communication skills
Women often have better communication skills than their male counterparts. It’s not always true, of course, but most women have exceptional communication skills. Why? Because we’ve had to develop those skills to succeed in business (and in life).
Many of us have had to learn the art of communication to overcome sexism and prejudice. We’ve had to learn how to navigate conversations and speak with nuance to avoid being labeled as “bossy” or “aggressive.” To overcome those stereotypes, we’ve learned how to communicate well with everyone, from our bosses to our colleagues, vendors, clients, and employees.
Strength #2: Emotional intelligence
Oftentimes, women exhibit more self-awareness and emotional intelligence than men. And this higher level of insight prepares us to handle complicated situations and relationships.
Our self-awareness also makes us better at time management and task switching. So many of us have had to learn how to manage a million things at once and switch hats constantly. On any given day, we fill diverse roles: spouse, parent, sibling, friend, coworker, caregiver, homework helper, “room mom,” — the list goes on and on.
Learning how to navigate all those jobs and tasks prepares us well for all the responsibilities of owning a business.
Strength #3: Risk management
Often, women have a better understanding of risk. We may be more risk-averse than most men, which can serve us well as business owners. Most women are cautious, and we take the time to think through all the possible outcomes before making a decision. We can leverage these skills to create contingency plans and ensure that our businesses are ready to withstand unexpected challenges.
Strength #4: Customer-centric approach
Many of us are extremely empathetic, which makes it easier for us to identify our clients’ needs and find ways to meet them. So often, the women I meet who run their own businesses are driven by a strong desire to make life better for their clients.
They want to help, to serve, to support their clients as they pursue their their goals. A customer-centric approach is the foundation of success for a service-based business.
Strength #5: Social responsibility
In a similar way, many women have a strong sense of social responsibility. They want to make the world a better place for their family, friends, and community. When more women get the resources and freedom they need to enact their vision, the world becomes a better place.
As more people, especially younger generations, place a higher value on having a positive social, cultural, and environmental impact, they’ll choose businesses that share those values. And because so many of us women have similar priorities to those of our ideal clients, our businesses are well-positioned to succeed.
Use your strengths to build a successful business
Women have so many innate skills and abilities that make them exceptional business owners. But it can be hard to remember that when much of the messaging out there tells women that it’s better to leave the corporate world to men.
It’s unlikely we’ll ever see a world where all of those discouraging messages are gone. But we don’t have to listen to them! Instead, we can develop the right mindset and use our strengths and skills to build businesses that serve our clients and communities well.
Doing so sets an example for all the women who will come after us. They’ll believe that they can have the same level of impact and success because they will have seen what we can do.
So let’s continue to create services and offers that meet our clients’ needs. Let’s build companies that have a positive impact on the world. Let’s prioritize social and economic responsibility and make decisions that build others up.
There’s room for all of us to succeed. And the more we focus on encouraging each other and helping other women succeed, the better the world will be for everyone.
If you want to be part of a community of other women entrepreneurs who are learning how to run successful, sustainable businesses, come join Fit Biz Foundations. My online business training program includes resources, coaching, and support to help you design and implement better systems in your business. You’ll get to learn from experts and join a community of women who share your vision for success. Get all the details and join today!