
Can Employees Become Managers?

employee becomes manager Jun 08, 2022

Let’s be honest, hiring right now is hard. Every day the Great Resignation gets more real, and workers find better opportunities with more pay, and more flexibility! I know personally that...

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Diversifying Your Business Income Sources

business income sources Apr 14, 2022

After the pandemic started in 2020, most health and wellness businesses depending on a single revenue stream felt the effects big-time. While this was an unprecedented situation, it does show us...

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Leveling up Your Leadership Skills

leadership skills Mar 16, 2022

If you plan to grow your fitness or wellness business even a little, transitioning from the main service provider to the person leading your company and team is an essential move you’ve got...

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Overcome Overthinking as a Biz Owner

overcome overthinking Feb 16, 2022

Overthinking doesn't sound so bad on the surface. Thinking is a good thing, right?

But here’s the truth: Overthinking can cause serious problems for you personally and in your business. It...

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Why an Expensive Marketing Strategy Won’t Work for Your Wellness Business

save money on marketing Jan 12, 2022

Marketing: that big, intimidating mountain that all business owners inevitably need to climb. Business-owners in the health and wellness industry are experts in their field, and yet, marketing can...

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A Special Female Friday Flashback with My Sister: Darcy Smith!

female feature friday Dec 15, 2021

Think of some of the ladies that inspire you in your life. Some are probably not in health and wellness, but they are CEOs in their own right—right? 

This includes lovely ladies like my...

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The 7 Steps to Creating Business Processes

creating business processes Nov 17, 2021

Are the systems in your business working for you, or are you constantly on call to keep them running? If it’s the latter, it’s time to make the switch — because systems should...

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The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day That Changed My Business

business maturity Nov 03, 2021

Not every day is a good day. That probably seems obvious at first glance, but in your business, those bad days can be brutal. 

How do I know? I’ve been there. My worst day in my business...

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How to Create Content When You Don't Know What to Create

create content Oct 20, 2021

When it comes to marketing your business or getting new eyes on your services, content makes the world go round. It gets your voice out there, tells your potential clients or patients what you...

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Which Metrics Should I Be Tracking for My Gym or Fitness Biz?

Oct 06, 2021

In the words of a wise man named Peter Drucker: “What gets measured, gets managed.” Poring over data isn’t usually the most exciting part of running your business, but that data...

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Overcoming The Most Common Objection: “I Can’t Afford That”

overcome objections Sep 22, 2021

Sticker shock is a powerful thing. 

How many times have you heard your customers say something like:

  • “I just can’t afford it right now.”
  • “I’m gonna have to think...
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How to Structure Fitness Team Meetings | Christa Gurka

Sep 08, 2021

I’ve been talking a lot about the importance of your team lately, so you probably already know why I’m such a big advocate of them. Whether you have a team of 1 or 100, one thing...

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